Nature and Soul… and how they try to connect.

This past week we discussed the yogic outlook on the structure of the universe.  Recognizing there are two distinct aspects, the natural world and the spiritual world that can be called Prakriti (nature) and Purusa (soul).

The yogi endeavors to unite the two for clear understanding and connection to Purusa.     Part of the details regarding this project is to recognize that things in nature, (including our own selves and minds), can be calm and balanced or quite disturbed and murky.

We discussed the Trigunas – qualities of nature which are sattva (illumination), rajas (active), tamas (dormant or inert).  Knowing about these qualities, and recognizing the need to balance rajas with tamas to reach a balanced calm state is a basic precept of why we practice.  If they are balanced we may be able to view the Soul clearly.

We worked hard in standing forward bends to use the stability needed, and the fluidity required to calm the experience of these asanas towards a quiet experience.  And…well with screaming hamstrings or wobbly balance there is always a lot of obvious reasons to carry on with our practice!


Here We Are, Doing Yoga… but Why?

Opening the Jan 2015 session of Classes at AASY was a wonderful homecoming after a long Holiday Season break.  Classes began with a short conversation regarding “Why” we are here doing our yoga.  When  I asked the students what brings them to class and to their home practice many different answers were shared.  Quite a few reported the initial reasons they were attracted to the study were not actually the same reasons they continue.  We must be doing something right!

The practice and study of Yoga should be transformative and so as we develop and mature in our practice the attraction to, and effects of, our practice will evolve.

So with an opening week of classes where stiff cold hips were visited by moving fluidly into leg positions that led to forward bends, and some standing asanas paired together to continue the idea of fluidity and stability we began a new year of ongoing study.  Some folks really liked the double block work we did in Adho Mukha Svanasana and Sirsasana (other’s not so much).  But on it goes as we continue to ask ourselves why we study and practice, and what happens when we do.  And who exactly, which layer of who we are at any given moment, is practicing?  And can our practice transform us towards understanding ourselves more intimately and honestly?

Of course it can, how could it not?