General Classes – The General classes are the heart of our program, where the students most develop and progress in the method. These classes are progressive and transforming for the students as they evolve their practice.
All Online Classes: Online students must have a mat, 3-5 blankets, belt, and block, and, if possible, a yoga chair and bolster should be available at home. A recording of each class will be available to all registered students in the Punchpass Content Library 2 hours after the end of the live class. The recording availability will expire two weeks after the class met. Online students are forewarned that the teacher cannot always see you, and you must take care not to over-do or risk injuring yourself.
Level 1 –Introductory beginner’s class for students new to yoga or new to the Iyengar Yoga Method. Appropriate for all ages and fitness levels. Instructions will focus on accurate alignment and proper use of yoga props to insure safe practice for all.
Level 2 – Continuing level 2 Iyengar Yoga Method class for established students with at least 6 months of introductory Iyengar Yoga lessons. Students must be comfortable practicing inversions or inversion alternatives; and will be taught these poses.
Levels 1 & 2 – This class is appropriate for students new to yoga or new to the Iyengar Yoga Method, as well as continuing Level 2 students. Appropriate for all ages and fitness level. Instructions will focus on accurate alignment and proper use of yoga props to insure safe practice and how to develop subtle refinement.
Continuing for 60+ Yoga – Upper Level 2 class for the established student age 60+. Students must be comfortable in inversions or inversion alternatives. Younger students are most welcome in the class and will appreciate the wisdom of their fellow classmates.
Level 3 – Upper level class for continuing students with at least 3 years of Iyengar Yoga Method instruction and regular home practice. Students must be familiar with inversions with variations and how to substitute alternative postures if inversions are contraindicated.
Pranayama (meditative breathing) – Open to Level 2 students and above who can comfortably hold inversions for 5 minutes (wall allowed). Pranayama class focuses on steady work in quieting restorative postures, well as breathing and meditative practice techniques. Pranayama students should have a regular home asana practice to support their pranayama practice.
Gentle Yoga – Ongoing slower pace class where poses are taught with more modifications and props to accommodate older students or those with mild chronic health conditions. Please obtain your Doctor’s permission before enrolling for this class.
Sunday Community Class – Open to all level students. Taught in Spanish and English by CIYT Becca Lindsay. Sliding scale: minimum donation $5. Introductory beginner’s class for students new to yoga or new to the Iyengar Yoga Method. Appropriate for all ages and fitness levels. Instructions will focus on accurate alignment and proper use of yoga props to insure safe practice for all.
Early Bird Yoga – [not currently offered] fast paced, vigorous, not for students with health problems, healthy beginners welcome.
Early Bird Backbends – [not currently offered] Level 2 and above students who want to work on their backbends more deeply over the summer session.
Level 4 – [not currently offered] Advance level class for continuing students comfortable with long inversions and deep back bends.
Teen Yoga Class – [not currently offered] For teens ages 13-17.Fast paced and fun, designed to engage the teen body and mind, and spirit. This class is not offered every session, please check schedule pages for current offerings.
Private Lesson with Laurie – Private lessons can fine tune your understanding and practice, and help with health concerns. To schedule email laurie@annarborschoolofyoga.com