Immunity Booster sequence from BKS Iyengar

We hope you are finding time for your yoga practice. Here is a sequence from Guruji for boosting your Immunity. If you don’t do inversions you could repeat head supported downward facing dog in place of head stand, and longer block or bolster supported bridge pose for shoulderstand. Please refer to the pictures on the bottom to sort out all the sanskrit names.


Uttanasana (support head) 5 min

Adho Mukha Svanasana (support head) 5 min

Prasarita Padottanasana (support head if not on floor) 3 min

Sirsasana 5 min

Sirsasana cycle (see Light on Yoga plates #202-218) 5 min

Viparita Dandasana (support head) 5 min

Sarvangasana 10 min

Halasana 5 min

Sarvangasana Cycle 5 min ( Light on Yoga plates #234-271)

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (supported) 5 min

Viparita Karani (at wall) 5 min

Savasana (w/ Ujjayi or Viloma pranayama) 10 min


Sirsasana 10 min

Sarvangasana 10 min

Halasana 5 min or

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (supported) 10 min

Savasana (w/ Ujjayi or Viloma pranayama) 10 min

Here’s the whole thing with pictures.

5 Replies to “Immunity Booster sequence from BKS Iyengar”

  1. Wow, that’s a lot of shoulder stand / halasana action! I enjoyed this sequence, it also challenged me physically, and I was surprised by how much time was spent in that form, with the head bent towards the chest. Definitely had a calming effect! Mentally I was very relieved and encouraged also to have an immunity sequence to practice.

  2. Thank you Laurie, I love this sequence . I’m incorporating supported inversions, Sirsasana on the ropes , chair Sarvangasana and half Halasana with feet on the wall. This allows me to hold the poses longer. Truly appreciate the opportunity to stay connected and the nudge for daily practice.

  3. I practised this yesterday and used support for my head in uttanasana and in adhomuka svanasana. Also while in halasana I did variations: supta konasana and parsva halasana. Nice practice.

  4. So when practicing this myself it occurred to me that some may want to use wall support for the long holds. For the first three you could have your back on the wall or your hips. If you use the wall for headstand, you could still practice your balance for a few minutes off and on. For shoulder stand you could have your heels on the wall or turn it around into a nirlamba and have your toes on the wall. The main point of this sequence is long steady holds without over exerting yourself.

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